For the Standard Step by Step Installation of SAP WWI Sever go to the Bottomn of the Post. i have provided the SAP Release guide for WWI Cook BOOK Generation server installation.
Windows Wordprocessor Integration(WWI) program is an enhancement of Microsoft Word that is called from the SAP system to edit a document template.
The Word settings for displaying hidden characters and other formatting characters that you save in WWI do not influence the settings for your work in Microsoft Word.
Any Word menu functions that are not relevant in WWI are deactivated.
See the
Prerequisitessection under Document Template Layout Editing.
WWI allows you to create language-independent document templates using symbols. Various tools make it easier for you to create templates with the correct syntax:
- The parallel display of the symbol tree, the document template in Microsoft Word, and the tab pages for editing the various symbol and control object types on one screen with different windows gives you a better overview when working.
- The symbol tree lists all available specification, parameter, and descriptor symbols. The specification symbols are based on the property tree, which you can change during editing.
- With
Find in Symbol Tree
), you navigate to the required symbol in the symbol tree. - With
Find Object in Template
), the system searches for the object selected in the symbol tree from the cursor position in the document template. - When you select a symbol in the symbol tree, it is entered in the appropriate tab page.
- With
Edit Object from Template
), you transfer a WWI object from the document template to the tab page. With(
Edit WWI Object in Template
), you replace the object selected in the template with the object in the active tab page. The object type must match for this. - The
WWI Wizard
) helps you create headings, tables, and lists. Repeating groups
are used to assign a characteristic to the value assignment type and for precise data output with multiple value assignments.Conditioned text
suppresses superfluous repetition of text.(
Character Sizing
) ensures that text is adjusted optimally to the size of the text box.- Using
blank compression
andconditional output
, you can define the output of data depending on whether other data exists. - With
), you can increase the size of the display of small areas on labels or in text boxes to edit them zoomed. - With
Include Template
), you can include another document template in your document template. (
Check Template
) lists all errors and warnings. You can automatically select the symbol that needs correcting by double-clicking the message.(
) allows you to preview the finished report.(
WWI Settings
) allow you to make default settings for the preview, the Wizard, and the colors for the symbol types.- With
Create Label
), you start the creation of label templates. In addition to the existing tab pages, theSequence Numbers/Data
tab page, which is only relevant for label creation, is also displayed.
This function controls and manages the generation serversfor the
Windows Wordprocessor Integration(WWI) program and the EH&S Expert serversas Microsoft Windows servicesin productive SAP systems using the EH&S management server .
Although no Customizing entries are necessary for the installation of an EH&S Expert server, EH&S service administration generates the relevant Customizing entries during the installation of a WWI generation server and creates them in a productive system.
Independent of EH&S service administration, you can also set up the WWI and Expert servers in Customizing for
Basic Data and Tools. You must then take the following into account:
- The transport logistics of your system landscape (development, test, and productive systems)
- The combination of client-specific and cross-client Customizing
- Setting Up EH&S Service AdministrationTo install EH&S service administration, process the IMG activity
Set Up EH&S Management Server
in theTools
section of Customizing forBasic Data and Tools
.You must have installed an EH&S management server for each server PC. - Setting Up Generation PCsYou have processed the
Configuration of Generation Servers
section in Customizing forBasic Data and Tools
. If you are using EH&S service administration, the IMG activities underManual Configuration of Generation Servers
are not required. - Setting Up EH&S ExpertYou have processed the
EH&S Expert
section in theTools
section of Customizing forBasic Data and Tools
. If you are using EH&S service administration, the IMG activities underManual Configuration of EH&S Expert Servers
are not required. - AuthorizationYou must have the relevant authorizations in the authorization object C_EHSU_SVC
(Service Administration)
. The system also checks the authorization object S_ADMI_FCD (for access to Remote Function Call (RFC) data and gateway monitor data).
When the application is started, all self-registering RFC servers are determined that are currently logged on at a gateway of the SAP system. By means of the RFC program ID, all server PCs are determined on which an EH&S management server is installed. (The RFC program ID must be entered in the RFC destination of the SAP system and in the SAPRFC.INI file of the EH&S management server PC.)
When an EH&S management server is called, the following functions are available in EH&S service administration:
Install WWI generation servers as Microsoft Windows services
Install WWI Generation Server |
Install EH&S Expert servers as Microsoft Windows services
Install EH&S Expert Server |
Uninstall WWI and EH&S Expert servers
You can uninstall services that have the status
Stoppedby choosing . |
Control services
| Service Parameterstab page
Display and edit configuration files
Check service administration logs
| Event Logtab page
You can filter the event messages displayed using
Filter. |
Transfer files
Choose one of the following:
Test network connection
Test Network Connection to Server. |
Filter services
Filter Services |
EHS Environment, Health and Safety
Release Notes
SAP R/3 Enterprise
Release 470x200
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16 EHS Environment, Health and Safety 1
16.1 Structure Changes in the IMG for EH&S 1
16.2 Menu (Changed) 2
16.3 EHS-BD Basic Data and Tools 2
16.3.1 EHS-BD-SPE Specification Management 2 APIs for Specifications (Enhanced) 2 Extended Checks for Specifications (New) 3 Substance Nature (Enhanced) 3 Determination of the Notification Status (Changed) 3 Table-Based Value Assignment (New) 4 Workbench (New) 4
16.3.2 EHS-BD-SIS Specification Information System 4 Workbench (New) 4
16.3.3 EHS-BD-RDF Report Definition 5 EH&S Service Administration (New) 5 Report Symbols for Recipe Management (Enhanced) 6 WWI Layouting (Enhanced) 6
16.3.4 EHS-BD-TLS Tools 7 EH&S Service Administration (New) 7 ALE Parameter Filter (Enhanced) 8 Export of EH&S Reports (Enhanced) 8
16.4 EHS-SAF Product Safety 8
16.4.1 DataSources for Data Extraction to BW (New) 8
16.4.2 Global Label Management (New) 9
16.4.3 EHS-SAF-RSH Report Shipping 10 Export of EH&S Reports (Enhanced) 10 Logging Report Shipping (Enhanced) 11
16.5 EHS-HSM Hazardous Substance Management 11
16.5.1 DataSources for Data Extraction to BW (New) 11
16.5.2 SARA Reports (New) 12
16.6 EHS-DGP Dangerous Goods Management 12
16.6.1 Dangerous Goods Classes 1 and 7 and Danger
Enhancement 12
16.6.2 Filling (Changed) 13
16.6.3 Structure Changes in the IMG for Dangerous Goods Management 13
16.6.4 Collective and Base Mode-of-Transport Categories (New) 14
16.6.5 EH&S Expert Explanation Component (New) 15
16.7 EHS-WA Waste Management 15
16.7.1 Structure Changes in the IMG for Waste Management 16
16.7.2 EHS-WA-PRO Disposal Processing 16 Disposal Processing Functions (Enhanced) 16 Creating and Printing Disposal Documents (Enhanced) 18
SAP AG iii
SAP System ______________________________________________________________ Table of Contents SAP AG Status of Entry Documents (Changed) 19
16.7.3 EHS-WA-DOC Disposal Documents 20 Creating and Printing Disposal Documents (Enhanced) 20
16.8 EHS-HEA Occupational Health 21
16.8.1 Costs (Deleted) 21
16.8.2 Authorization Concept (Changed) 22
16.8.3 Basic Data (Changed) 22
16.8.4 Logging Access to Personal Data (New) 23
16.8.5 Integration of Exposure Profile Rating wit
(New) 23
16.8.6 EHS-HEA-SRV Medical Service 24 Brief Consultations (New) 24 Combining of Health Center Service and Medical Service (New) 24 Vaccinations (New) 24
16.9 EHS-IHS Industrial Hygiene and Safety 25
16.9.1 DataSources for Data Extraction to BW (New) 25
16.9.2 Logging Access to Personal Data (New) 25
16.9.3 Cost Tracking for Industrial Hygiene and S
(New) 26
16.9.4 Integration of Exposure Profile Rating wit
(New) 26
16.9.5 Structure Changes in the IMG for Industria
Safety 27
16.9.6 EHS-IHS-WA Work Area Management 27 Integration of Exposure Profile Rating wit
(New) 27 Integration Objects Contact and Building (New) 28 Overall Rating and Received Rating (New) 28
16.9.7 EHS-IHS-RSK Risk Assessment 29 Assessment of Tasks (New) 29
16.9.8 EHS-IHS-IA Incident/Accident Management 29 OSHA Recording (New) 29 Indicator for Reportable Events (New) 29 Cause Hierarchy (New) 30
16.9.9 EHS-IHS-REP Reporting 30 Structure Changes in the IMG for Industria
Safety 30 Personal Exposure Log (New) 31
16.9.10 EHS-IHS-MEM Measurement Management 31 Measurement Management (New) 31
SAP System ______________________________________________________________ Table of Contents SAP AG
16 EHS Environment, Health and Safety
16.1 Structure Changes in the IMG for EH&S
As of SAP R/3 Enterprise PLM Extension 2.00 (EA_APPL 200), the structure of the Implementation
Guide (IMG) for the SAP component Environment, Health and Safety (EH&S) has changed. To
transfer these changes to the project IMG, you must generate a new project IMG.
The new IMG structure makes it easier to implement EH&S because all IMG activities that affect all
EH&S components are now grouped under the Basic Data and Tools node. The IMG structure now
matches the EH&S menu. See Menu (Changed).
The following changes were made:
o The Basic Data and Tools node is new. Under this node, you make the settings for the following
EH&S areas:
- EH&S Native Language Support
- Environment parameters
- User exits and user exit parameters
- Specification management
- Specification information system
- Report definition
- Phrase management
- Import and export
- Application Link Enabling (ALE)
- ArchiveLink
- Workflow
- Service administration
- EH&S Expert
- EH&S-QM interface
- Authorization management
o The Hazardous Substance Management node is new. Under this node, you make the settings for
the SARA reports. See SARA Reports (New).
o The IMG activities that are now under the Basic Data and Tools node were removed from the
existing nodes, particularly from the Product Safety node.
Effects on Existing Data
The changes to the structure of the IMG have no effect on your existing Customizing data.
______________________________________________________________ SAP System
Effects on System Administration
Basic Data and Tools is the prerequisite for being able to use the other EH&S components. This means,
for example, that you must process Customizing for Basic Data and Tools before you implement other
EH&S components, regardless of which EH&S components you want to use.
16.2 Menu (Changed)
As of SAP R/3 Enterprise PLM Extension 2.00 (EA_APPL 200), the menu for the SAP component
Environment, Health and Safety (EH&S) has a new structure. This makes navigation easier:
o The Basic Data and Tools node contains the menu options that are required in all EH&S
components. These menu options were removed from the nodes of the other EH&S components to
reduce the size of the menus.
o The menu structure and the names of the menu options have been consolidated and standardized
across the whole of the EH&S menu.
The EH&S documentation and the Implementation Guide have been adapted to match the new menu
structure. See Changes to the IMG Structure.
16.3 EHS-BD Basic Data and Tools
16.3.1 EHS-BD-SPE Specification Management APIs for Specifications (Enhanced)
As of SAP R/3 Enterprise PLM Extension 2.00 (EA_APPL 200), the following new Application
Programming Interface (API) function modules are available for reading, modifying, and deleting
specification data; they offer better performance and improved interfaces in comparison to the previous
API function modules:
o C1F5_SPECIFICATIONS_READ (Read Specification Data)
o C1F5_SPECIFICATIONS_MODIFY (Create or Change Specification Data)
o C1F5_SPECIFICATIONS_DELETE (Delete Specification Data)
These replace the following existing API function modules in the function group C1F2:
______________________________________________________________ SAP System
o C1F2_SUBSTANCES_READ_WITH_REF Extended Checks for Specifications (New)
As of SAP R/3 Enterprise PLM Extension 2.00 (EA_APPL 200), a Business Add-In (BAdI) is
available with which you can define extended checks for specifications that are run at the following
o When opening specifications
o When saving specifications
o In specification-material assignment
o In BOM transfer if a specification was determined for a material
Effects on Customizing
You set up the BAdI in Customizing for Basic Data and Tools under BAdI: Extended Checks for
Specifications where you will also find more information on the BAdI. Substance Nature (Enhanced)
As of SAP R/3 Enterprise PLM Extension 2.00 (EA_APPL 200), you can check and change the
default values for the substance nature in Customizing.
Effects on Customizing
In Customizing for Basic Data and Tools, process the new IMG activity Specify Substance Nature. Determination of the Notification Status (Changed)
As of SAP R/3 Enterprise PLM Extension 2.00 (EA_APPL 200), examples of the user exits with
which you can determine and check the notification status of specifications are no longer supplied. You
can set up this determination and check function much more easily using sets of rules for the EH&S
Expert. For more information on how you define sets of rules and secondary data such as the notification
status with the EH&S Expert, see the SAP Library for the Basic Data and Tools component under
EH&S Expert.
Effects on Customizing
______________________________________________________________ SAP System
You define user exits in Customizing for Basic Data and Tools under Manage User Exits. There you
also set up secondary data determination with the EH&S Expert. For more information on setting up the
EH&S Expert, see the IMG section EH&S Expert in the Implementation Guide (IMG) for Basic Data
and Tools. Table-Based Value Assignment (New)
As of SAP R/3 Enterprise PLM Extension 2.00 (EA_APPL 200), you can also enter data in table
form in the value assignment types of the category Property. This makes it much easier to enter data; for
example, you can enter a number of value assignment instances simultaneously using the table.
Effects on Customizing
In the standard system, table-based value assignment is available for all value assignment types of the
category Property. To be able to use table-based value assignment, you must make the necessary entries
under Set Up Table-Based Value Assignment for all value assignment types of the category Property.
Using a Business Add-In (BAdI), you can influence the behavior of the screens for table-based value
assignment (see BAdI: Enhancement of Table-Based Value Assignment).
In the application, with table-based value assignment you can choose between value assignment using the
table or value assignment using the tab pages. If you want to enter value assignment data using only the
tab pages as before, you must enter the function module C107TS_ENTRY in the Scr. Fct. (Entry
Function for Screen) field in the IMG activity Specify Value Assignment Types for the respective value
assignment types of the category Property. Workbench (New)
As of SAP R/3 Enterprise PLM Extension 2.00 (EA_APPL 200), there are various workbenches
available for the components of the SAP component Environment, Health and Safety (EH&S). In the
workbenches you can access specifications of all specification categories quickly and easily from one
central interface, access other objects such as materials, and display and edit all important data.
Effects on Customizing
You set up the workbenches in the IMG activity Set Up Workbench.
16.3.2 EHS-BD-SIS Specification Information System Workbench (New)
______________________________________________________________ SAP System
As of SAP R/3 Enterprise PLM Extension 2.00 (EA_APPL 200), there are various workbenches
available for the components of the SAP component Environment, Health and Safety (EH&S). In the
workbenches you can access specifications of all specification categories quickly and easily from one
central interface, access other objects such as materials, and display and edit all important data.
Effects on Customizing
You set up the workbenches in the IMG activity Set Up Workbench.
16.3.3 EHS-BD-RDF Report Definition EH&S Service Administration (New)
As of SAP R/3 Enterprise PLM Extension 2.00 (EA_APPL 200), EH&S service administration is
available, which allows you to control and manage EH&S Expert servers and the generation servers for
the Windows Wordprocessor Integration (WWI) program from the SAP system in a productive system.
EH&S service administration handles the following functions:
o Installing new servers
o Starting and stopping
o Reading and changing configuration settings (WWI.INI, configuration of sets of rules)
o File exchange (for example, log files)
For more information, see the SAP Library for the Basic Data and Tools (EHS-BD) component under
Tools -> EH&S Service Administration.
Effects on Customizing
EH&S service administration generates the relevant Customizing entries during the installation of WWI
generation servers and EH&S Expert servers.
The IMG sections Configuration of Generation PCs and EH&S Expert have therefore been
restructured so that you will now find the three installation options (using EH&S service administration,
manually as a Windows service, and manually as a console program) together in the same section.
To be able to use EH&S service administration, process the following IMG activities in Customizing for
Basic Data and Tools:
o To set up EH&S service administration, the IMG activities in the section Tools -> EH&S Service
- Set Up EH&S Management Server
- Set Up RFC Destination
o To set up WWI generation servers as services:
Set Up Server Using EH&S Service Administration
______________________________________________________________ SAP System
o To set up EH&S Expert servers as services:
Set Up Server Using EH&S Service Administration Report Symbols for Recipe Management (Enhanced)
As of SAP R/3 Enterprise PLM Extension 2.00 (EA_APPL 200), you can assign the correct symbol
group to symbols that can be used in document templates for formula data and scope of application data
after automatic symbol generation.
Effects on Customizing
You assign the correct symbol group in Customizing for Basic Data and Tools under Adapt Report
Symbols for Recipe Management.
See also
For more information about printing formula data on reports, see the SAP Library for the Basic Data
and Tools (EHS-BD) component under Repeating Groups for Formulas. WWI Layouting (Enhanced)
As of SAP R/3 Enterprise PLM Extension 2.00 (EA_APPL 200), an enhanced version of the
Windows Wordprocessor Integration (WWI) program is available for editing document templates,
which is now integrated in the SAP R/3 system. In addition, some individual functions were enhanced,
for example:
o Parallel display of the document template, the symbol tree, and the tab pages for editing symbols in
several windows in one screen
o Logically regrouped symbol tree that can be adapted during editing
o Simplified error handling owing to a permanently visible message window
o Preview for displaying a test generation of reports, acknowledgements of receipt, and cover sheets
o Extract function for editing text fields, for example, on labels
o Improved graphics options
o Variable separators for multiple value assignments
For more information, see the SAP Library for the Basic Data and Tools (EHS-BD) component under
Document Template Layout Editing.
Effects on Customizing
To install the new WWI version, process the IMG activities in the IMG section WWI Installation in
Customizing for Basic Data and Tools.
______________________________________________________________ SAP System
The following IMG activities are no longer necessary and have therefore been deleted:
o Set Up RFC Destination
o Set Up WWI Menu Language
The symbol type Symbol has been renamed Specification, see IMG activity Check and Specify Report
The symbol type Description/Phrase has been renamed Descriptor.
16.3.4 EHS-BD-TLS Tools EH&S Service Administration (New)
As of SAP R/3 Enterprise PLM Extension 2.00 (EA_APPL 200), EH&S service administration is
available, which allows you to control and manage EH&S Expert servers and the generation servers for
the Windows Wordprocessor Integration (WWI) program from the SAP system in a productive system.
EH&S service administration handles the following functions:
o Installing new servers
o Starting and stopping
o Reading and changing configuration settings (WWI.INI, configuration of sets of rules)
o File exchange (for example, log files)
For more information, see the SAP Library for the Basic Data and Tools (EHS-BD) component under
Tools -> EH&S Service Administration.
Effects on Customizing
EH&S service administration generates the relevant Customizing entries during the installation of WWI
generation servers and EH&S Expert servers.
The IMG sections Configuration of Generation PCs and EH&S Expert have therefore been
restructured so that you will now find the three installation options (using EH&S service administration,
manually as a Windows service, and manually as a console program) together in the same section.
To be able to use EH&S service administration, process the following IMG activities in Customizing for
Basic Data and Tools:
o To set up EH&S service administration, the IMG activities in the section Tools -> EH&S Service
- Set Up EH&S Management Server
- Set Up RFC Destination
o To set up WWI generation servers as services:
Set Up Server Using EH&S Service Administration
______________________________________________________________ SAP System
o To set up EH&S Expert servers as services:
Set Up Server Using EH&S Service Administration ALE Parameter Filter (Enhanced)
As of SAP R/3 Enterprise PLM Extension 2.00 (EA_APPL 200), you have the option of removing or
replacing missing specifications using the SAP enhancement C14A0003 when updating specifications
using Application Link Enabling (ALE).
Effects on Customizing
You edit the SAP enhancement C14A0003 in Customizing for Basic Data and Tools under Specify
Additional Table and Parameter Filter (2). Export of EH&S Reports (Enhanced)
As of SAP R/3 Enterprise PLM Extension 2.00 (EA_APPL 200), you have the option of exporting
EH&S reports using a program based on various criteria. This new function is also available in the
existing function for exporting individual reports from the report information system.
Effects on Customizing
In Customizing for Basic Data and Tools, process the IMG activity Report Export by Program: Check
Additional Settings.
In the user exit for generating the export orders (user exit category SRE_SUBSEQ, user exit name
EHS_DOKX_E), the existing standard function module CVE9_RDO_DOKX_EXPORDS was
replaced by the new standard function module CVE9_RDO_SUBSEQUENCE_EXPORT. The user
exit is used in report export from the report information system (see Report Export (Dok-X): Check
Additional Settings) and in report export by the program.
See also
For more information about report export, see the SAP Library for the Basic Data and Tools
component under Report Export by Program.
16.4 EHS-SAF Product Safety
16.4.1 DataSources for Data Extraction to BW (New)
______________________________________________________________ SAP System
As of SAP R/3 Enterprise PLM Extension 2.00 (EA_APPL 200), new DataSources are available for
data extraction to the SAP Business Information Warehouse (SAP BW). Using these you can extract
data from the Incident/Accident Management (EHS-IHS-IA) and Specification Management
(EHS-BDE-SPE) components.
Together with the Business Content that is delivered for target groups in the areas of industrial hygiene
and safety, product safety, and hazardous substance management, you can create the following reports in
BW, for example:
o Inventory list for fire department
o Hazardous substance inventory
o Evaluations of the incident/accident log, for example, on the number of persons injured per year or
the number of reportable events per year
This Business Content will be available to you from SAP BI Content 3.3 Add-On.
Effects on Customizing
To extract data from specification management, you must process the IMG activity Configure Data
Extraction in Customizing for Basic Data and Tools.
See also
o Release Notes for SAP BI Content 3.3 Add-On
o SAP Library under SAP NetWeaver -> SAP Business Information Warehouse -> BI Content
-> Product Lifecycle Management -> Environment, Health and Safety
Under this path in the SAP Library you will also find information about the existing Business Content for
Dangerous Goods Management. See also SAP Note 428581.
16.4.2 Global Label Management (New)
As of SAP R/3 Enterprise PLM Extension 2.00 (EA_APPL 200) the functions of Global Label
Management simplify and automate the creation and determination of appropriate labels. Since a small
amount of logistics data, such as a production order number or a material number is sufficient, these
functions support in particular, users who are not familiar with the legal requirements for labels. For more
information, see the SAP Library for the Product Safety component under Global Label Management.
Effects on Existing Data
You can purchase and use Global Label Management as a project solution for the add-on Release 2.7B of
the SAP Environment, Health and Safety (EH&S) component. You can continue to use any data you
created there as well as all Global Label Management functions in SAP R/3 Enterprise PLM Extension
2.00 without restrictions.
Effects on Customizing
______________________________________________________________ SAP System
You make the necessary settings for Global Label Management in Customizing for Product Safety in
the following IMG activities:
o Specify Label Categories
o Specify Label Sizes
o Specify Size of Label Stock
o Specify Labeling Scenarios
o Set Up Generation Server for Label Generation
o Install Program for Label Printing on Workplace PC
o Transfer and Check Printers
o Specify Serial Numbers
o Specify Secondary Value Determination for Report Symbols
o Specify Values for EPA Numbers, Validity Areas, and Modes of Transport
o Specify Transport Symbol Groups
o Specify Packaging Units
o Specify RFC Connections to Logistics Systems
16.4.3 EHS-SAF-RSH Report Shipping Export of EH&S Reports (Enhanced)
As of SAP R/3 Enterprise PLM Extension 2.00 (EA_APPL 200), you have the option of exporting
EH&S reports using a program based on various criteria. This new function is also available in the
existing function for exporting individual reports from the report information system.
Effects on Customizing
In Customizing for Basic Data and Tools, process the IMG activity Report Export by Program: Check
Additional Settings.
In the user exit for generating the export orders (user exit category SRE_SUBSEQ, user exit name
EHS_DOKX_E), the existing standard function module CVE9_RDO_DOKX_EXPORDS was
replaced by the new standard function module CVE9_RDO_SUBSEQUENCE_EXPORT. The user
exit is used in report export from the report information system (see Report Export (Dok-X): Check
Additional Settings) and in report export by the program.
See also
For more information about report export, see the SAP Library for the Basic Data and Tools
component under Report Export by Program.
______________________________________________________________ SAP System Logging Report Shipping (Enhanced)
As of SAP R/3 Enterprise PLM Extension 2.00 (EA_APPL 200), the logging function for report
shipping can be made more detailed.
Effects on Customizing
In the IMG activity Specify Environment Parameters, the value range for the environment parameter
SRE_DS_TRACE_LEVEL (notification level) was extended so that the log for the report shipping orders
can be displayed in different levels of detail depending on the message type.
16.5 EHS-HSM Hazardous Substance Management
16.5.1 DataSources for Data Extraction to BW (New)
As of SAP R/3 Enterprise PLM Extension 2.00 (EA_APPL 200), new DataSources are available for
data extraction to the SAP Business Information Warehouse (SAP BW). Using these you can extract
data from the Incident/Accident Management (EHS-IHS-IA) and Specification Management
(EHS-BDE-SPE) components.
Together with the Business Content that is delivered for target groups in the areas of industrial hygiene
and safety, product safety, and hazardous substance management, you can create the following reports in
BW, for example:
o Inventory list for fire department
o Hazardous substance inventory
o Evaluations of the incident/accident log, for example, on the number of persons injured per year or
the number of reportable events per year
This Business Content will be available to you from SAP BI Content 3.3 Add-On.
Effects on Customizing
To extract data from specification management, you must process the IMG activity Configure Data
Extraction in Customizing for Basic Data and Tools.
See also
o Release Notes for SAP BI Content 3.3 Add-On
o SAP Library under SAP NetWeaver -> SAP Business Information Warehouse -> BI Content
-> Product Lifecycle Management -> Environment, Health and Safety
Under this path in the SAP Library you will also find information about the existing Business Content for
______________________________________________________________ SAP System
Dangerous Goods Management. See also SAP Note 428581.
16.5.2 SARA Reports (New)
As of SAP R/3 Enterprise PLM Extension 2.00 (EA_APPL 200), report programs are available with
which you can collate and output all the data you require for the reports that are prescribed by law in the
U.S. Superfund Amendments and Reauthorization Act (SARA). In the standard system, the programs
provide data for the SARA 311, SARA 312 Tier I, and SARA 312 Tier II reports. For more information, see
the SAP Library for the Hazardous Substance Management component under SARA Reports.
Effects on Customizing
You make the necessary settings in Customizing for Hazardous Substance Management in the
following IMG activities:
o Schedule Report to Determine Hazardous Substance Quantities
o Specify Units for SARA Reports
o Set Up Value Assignment Type for Hazard Classification
o Configure Customizing of Other Components for SARA Reports
o Develop Enhancement for Output of SARA Reports
16.6 EHS-DGP Dangerous Goods Management
16.6.1 Dangerous Goods Classes 1 and 7 and Dangerous Goods Master
Enhancement (New)
As of SAP R/3 Enterprise PLM Extension 2.00 (EA_APPL 200), Dangerous Goods Management
has been enhanced to include the processing of dangerous goods classes 1 and 7. All fields required to
map explosive dangerous goods (class 1) and radioactive dangerous goods (class 7) are available in the
In addition, you can extend the dangerous goods master to include your own fields, and display tab pages
for editing and displaying any fields. The extension of the dangerous goods master is supported for filling
and distribution. It is not supported for EDI.
For more information, see the application help.
Effects on Customizing
You create new tab pages in Customizing for Dangerous Goods Management under Specify Tab
Pages in Dangerous Goods Master.
______________________________________________________________ SAP System
You specify categories of package for packages with radioactive content under Specify Categories of
16.6.2 Filling (Changed)
As of SAP R/3 Enterprise PLM Extension 2.00 (EA_APPL 200), filling in Dangerous Goods
Management has changed as follows:
o You can fill multiple component materials. A number of specifications can be assigned to a multiple
component material.
The Business Add-In (BAdI) supplied allows you to filter out from a group of specifications those
that you need for filling. When you activate the BAdI, the system checks which of the specifications
is relevant for filling. Only this specification is then filled.
o You can extend the property tree for dangerous goods classifications to include properties that are
then taken into account by filling.
o You can use priorities to specify which value assignment instance of a value assignment type is
filled. Only one instance can be specified for dangerous goods classifications; for UN-listed
substances only one per regulation.
o You can fill up to 15 user-defined dangerous goods texts per regulation - even with different profiles
- and link them to output conditions.
Effects on Customizing
You set up the filling of multiple component materials in Customizing for Dangerous Goods
Management under BAdI: Filter Specifications for Filling.
You specify priorities for value assignment instances under Specify Priorities.
You specify the profiles for user-defined dangerous goods texts under Specify Profiles for User-Defined
Dangerous Goods Texts.
16.6.3 Structure Changes in the IMG for Dangerous Goods Management
As of SAP R/3 Enterprise PLM Extension 2.00 (EA_APPL 200), the structure was changed in the
Implementation Guide (IMG) for Dangerous Goods Management.
The following IMG activities are new:
o Basic Data and Master Data -> Common Settings:
Specify Collective Mode-of-Transport Categories
o Basic Data and Master Data -> Master Data:
Specify Categories of Package
Specify Tab Pages in Dangerous Goods Master
______________________________________________________________ SAP System
o Interfaces: Filling and Distribution -> Common Settings -> Business Add-Ins (BAdIs):
BAdI: Filter Specifications for Filling
o Interfaces: Filling and Distribution -> Distribution (Application Link Enabling (ALE)) ->
Business Add-Ins (BAdIs):
BAdI: Convert and Change Data in ALE Distribution
o Dangerous Goods Checks and Dangerous Goods Documents/EDI -> Dangerous Goods
Checks -> Business Add-Ins (BAdIs):
BAdI: Custom Error Control for Dangerous Goods Checks
o Template and One-Time Material Processing:
Settings for Template and One-Time Material Processing
Specify Fields for Template and One-Time Material Processing
o Template and One-Time Material Processing -> Specify Determination Routines for
Template and One-Time Materials:
Specify Determination Routine for Sales and Shipping Documents
Specify Determination Routine for Shipment Documents
o Template and One-Time Material Processing -> Specify Validity for Template and
One-Time Material Processing:
Specify Permitted Combinations for Sales Documents
Specify Permitted Combinations for Shipping Documents
Specify Permitted Combinations for Shipment Documents
o Template and One-Time Material Processing -> Business Add-Ins (BAdIs):
BAdI: Rescheduling in Shipment Document
In the Basic Settings section, the IMG activity Specify Environment Parameters was deleted. You
now edit the environment parameters directly in Customizing for Basic Data and Tools under Specify
Environment Parameters.
The IMG activity Specify Fields for Template and One-Time Material Processing was moved from the
Dangerous Goods Checks and Dangerous Goods Documents/EDI -> Common Settings section
to the Template and One-Time Material Processing section.
16.6.4 Collective and Base Mode-of-Transport Categories (New)
As of SAP R/3 Enterprise PLM Extension 2.00 (EA_APPL 200), Dangerous Goods Management
has been enhanced to cover the concepts of collective mode-of-transport categories and base
mode-of-transport categories.
o Collective Mode-of-Transport Categories
The previous concept based on the collective mode-of-transport category 99 (All mode-of-transport
categories) was extended so that you can specify other collective mode-of-transport categories in
any combinations. Note that the dangerous goods regulations you define using collective
mode-of-transport categories must not contain any overlaps with respect to the combination of
validity area and mode-of-transport category (see Distinction Check).
______________________________________________________________ SAP System
o Base Mode-of-Transport Categories
The concept of base mode-of-transport categories allows you to create your own mode-of-transport
categories. You then assign these to predefined base mode-of-transport categories, which are
hard-coded in the system. Check that a base mode-of-transport category is assigned to all
mode-of-transport categories.
o Distinction Check
When new dangerous goods regulations are created, the system checks that the regulations do not
overlap with respect to the combination of validity area and mode-of-transport category
Effects on Existing Data
o The collective mode-of-transport category 99 (All mode-of-transport categories) is still delivered.
o You must assign existing mode-of-transport categories to a base mode-of-transport category.
o You can let the system check the distinction of existing dangerous goods regulations with the report
Effects on Customizing
You assign the mode-of-transport categories to the base mode-of-transport categories in the IMG activity
Specify Mode-of-Transport Category.
You define collective mode-of-transport categories in the IMG activity Specify Collective
Mode-of-Transport Categories.
16.6.5 EH&S Expert Explanation Component (New)
As of SAP R/3 Enterprise PLM Extension 2.00 (EA_APPL 200), the EH&S Expert was enhanced as
o Explanation component
The syntax for creating sets of rules was enhanced to include language elements with which you can
display in table form how the results were achieved. If you run sets of rules without these
explanation definitions, the system generates an explanation that shows the initial state and the final
state of the data. You can view the explanation directly following a run of a set of rules or save it
with the specification. In this case, the explanation is saved as a user-defined text in its own value
assignment type; you can then call the explanation from the specification workbench hit list at any
o Inheritance and specification status
The EH&S Expert sets of rules can also be applied to inheritance relationships in specification
management and to the specification status.
Effects on Customizing
You make the necessary settings in the IMG activity Extend Entry in Secondary Data Determination.
______________________________________________________________ SAP System
16.7 EHS-WA Waste Management
16.7.1 Structure Changes in the IMG for Waste Management
As of SAP R/3 Enterprise PLM Extension 2.00 (EA_APPL 200) the structure of the Waste
Management Implementation Guide (IMG) has changed. You have to generate the project IMGs again
in order to copy these changes to them.
Deleted IMG Activities
The IMG node Reporting and the IMG activity Create Report Tree that it contained have been deleted
because SAP no longer supports report trees. You can now find report programs from the report tree in
the Waste Management menu.
The IMG activities Specify Application Functions and Specify Functions have been grouped together
in the IMG activity Specify Functions. The IMG activity Specify Application Functions has been
deleted (see Disposal Processing Functions (Enhanced)).
New IMG Activities
Due to the Environment, Health and Safety (EH&S) component's IMG being restructured, (see
Structure Changes in the IMG for EH&S) the IMG activity Set Specification Management for Waste
Management has been divided into the following IMG activities:
o Configure Basic Data and Tools for Waste Management
o Configure Product Safety for Waste Management
Moved IMG Activities
The IMG activities Specify Environment Parameters and Manage User Exits are now in
Customizing for Basic Data and Tools under Basic Settings (see Structure Changes in the IMG for
16.7.2 EHS-WA-PRO Disposal Processing Disposal Processing Functions (Enhanced)
As of SAP R/3 Enterprise PLM Extension 2.00 (EA_APPL 200) the interfaces of the functions for
disposal processing are uniform. This enables you to use a function in the application toolbar and
function list without having to program different interfaces. From now on, the functions are uniformly
described as functions and not functions and application functions.
The functions supplied with the standard system were enhanced as follows:
o The function Create Purchase Order (function module
______________________________________________________________ SAP System
EHSWA_141_WASTEMVT_CRT_MM_PO) was enhanced as follows:
- When you execute a purchase order for several entry documents with different vendors or
outline agreements, the system executes several purchase orders, grouping together in a
purchase order the data from the entry documents that contain the same waste and vendors and
use the same outline agreement item.
- If you execute a purchase order for several entry documents, but some of these entry
documents do not fulfill the requirements for the purchase order, the system executes the
purchase order for those entry documents that fulfill the requirements and groups together the
data from these entry documents as described above.
- You can now also create a purchase order without a contract, or a purchase order with a
contract that has not been released. In both cases, the system issues a warning.
For more information, see the SAP Library for the Waste Management component under
Purchase Order.
o Instead of the Clear function, which you use to clear the waste and simultaneously create a purchase
order for the disposal, there are now two functions available:
- You use the new function Clear (function module EHSWA_141_WASTEMVT_OUT_IM) to
clear the waste quantity without creating a purchase order.
- You use the new function Order & Clear (function module
EHSWA_141_WASTEMVT_OUT_IM_PO) to clear the waste quantity and create a purchase
order for the disposal at the same time.
o Instead of the Cancel Material Document function, there are now two functions available:
- You use the new function Cancel Clear (function module
EHSWA_141_WASTEMVT_CAN_IM_OUT) to reverse the clearing of an entry document.
The waste quantity of the entry document is then posted again afterwards.
- You use the new function Cancel Post (function module
EHSWA_141_WASTEMVT_CAN_IM_IN) to reverse the posting of an entry document. The
waste quantity of the entry document is not posted afterwards.
o The function Create Document with Approval has been replaced by the new function Create
Disposal Document (function module EHSWA_143WM_DISPDOC_CREATE). With this
function, you can create a disposal document from disposal processing irrespective of whether a
waste approval is required for the disposal document or not (see Creating and Printing Disposal
Documents (Enhanced)).
o With the new function Close Entry Document (function module
EHSWA_162_WAFUNC_CLOSE) you set the system and user status of an entry document to
o You use the new authorization object C_EHSW_EAF (Waste Management - disposal
processing function) to control which functions the system offers in disposal processing
depending on the entry document category.
Effects on Existing Data
The functions supplied with the standard system have been adjusted to match the new interface. If you
have used these functions, you have to exchange them for the new versions. If you have programmed
your own functions, you have to adapt their interfaces.
______________________________________________________________ SAP System
Effects on Customizing
You no longer define the functions for disposal processing in the separate IMG activities Specify
Application Functions and Specify Functions in Customizing for Waste Management, but now
under Specify Functions. Creating and Printing Disposal Documents (Enhanced)
As of SAP R/3 Enterprise PLM Extension 2.00 (EA_APPL 200) the following changed and new
functions are available to simplify the creation and printing of disposal documents:
o The new function module EHSWA_280_PARAMETER_GET determines the data necessary for
printing disposal documents. It determines the data from the symbols, that the report template of the
disposal document contains.
This function module can be used for all disposal document types and means that you no longer
require separate printing modules for the individual disposal document types. If you set up a new
disposal document type, you only have to create the report template with the necessary symbols and
no longer need a separate function module for each disposal document type for determining data.
The field in which you can specify this print module for the disposal document types was deleted in
Customizing. The sample templates supplied with the system were adjusted to the new function
The fields in which you could specify whether the authority-assigned number and the outgoing
quantity are output on the disposal documents of a disposal document type have also been deleted
from Customizing. If the report template contains a symbol for this data, the new printing module
determines this data automatically.
o You can use the new function modules EHSWA_209_CHECK and EHSWA_209_CHECK_BGS to
perform checks after the data has been entered for a disposal document of the disposal document
type (at PAI). These function modules replace the function module EHSWA_209_PAI.
o Using the new function module EHSWA_143WM_DISPDOC_CREATE you can create and print
disposal documents with and without a waste approval from disposal processing. The function
module determines from the Customizing settings whether a waste approval is required for the
disposal document type. The function module also takes other Customizing settings for the disposal
document type into account and performs the relevant checks before the disposal document is
created. For example, it checks that the disposal document does not contain more wastes or waste
codes than is permitted for the disposal document type. For more information, see the SAP Library
for the Waste Management component under Creation of a Disposal Document.
o Since the length of the authority-assigned number of a disposal document is frequently stipulated by
law, you can now specify the maximum possible length of this number for each disposal document
type in Customizing.
Furthermore, the new function module EHSWA_209_COMPL_WITH_RECAL is also available. This
function module sets the status Data Is Complete for selected disposal documents, and recalculates the
waste quantities from the disposal documents and enters them on the entry documents from which the
disposal documents were created.
______________________________________________________________ SAP System
Effects on Existing Data
To determine the data for printing disposal documents, the system uses the new function module
EHSWA_280_PARAMETER_GET. The system no longer supports other function modules.
To print disposal documents from disposal processing, the system uses the new function module
EHSWA_143WM_DISPDOC_CREATE. The function modules from the function group EHSWA_143
are no longer supported.
Effects on Customizing
If you want to use the new sample templates, you have to import them into your system. For more
information, see the Implementation Guide (IMG) for Waste Management under Configure Basic Data
and Tools for Waste Management.
The Create Document function is supplied with the standard system and you can use it to create
disposal documents from disposal processing. This function uses the new function module
EHSWA_143WM_DISPDOC_CREATE. If you want to use this function module in your own functions,
you have to set this up in the IMG activity Specify Functions, assign the function module to it, and assign
your own functions to the entry document categories in the IMG activity Specify Document Categories.
You define the maximum possible length of the authority-assigned number for disposal documents for
each disposal document type in the IMG activity Specify Disposal Document Types.
If you want to use the new function module EHSWA_209_COMPL_WITH_RECAL, you have to specify
it for a function for disposal documents under Specify Functions. To do this, you can, for example, use
the Data Complete function supplied with the standard system and assign the new function module
EHSWA_209_COMPL_WITH_RECAL to it, instead of the function module EHSWA_209_COMPL,
which is assigned to the function in the standard system. Status of Entry Documents (Changed)
As of SAP R/3 Enterprise PLM Extension 2.00 (EA_APPL 200) an enhanced user status profile as
well as user-defined system statuses and business transactions are available in disposal processing for
entry documents. Using the assignment of business transactions to the user statuses and to the functions
of disposal processing, you can now specify the status an entry document must have so that a function
may be executed, and the status the system sets for the entry document after the function has been
executed. Since the system now sets the user status automatically when you execute certain functions,
and because you can no longer set the user status manually, you can guarantee that entry documents are
only given the relevant user status if the appropriate function was actually executed. For example, an
entry document is only given the user status Posted if you have actually posted the waste quantity. For
more information, see the SAP Library for the Waste Management component under Setting Entry
Document Statuses.
Effects on Customizing
The status profile EHS_WMM1 (disposal processing 1) is supplied with the standard system as an
example of a user status profile for entry documents. It replaces the currently used status profile and
supports the functions of disposal processing. You tailor the status profile to your requirements or set
______________________________________________________________ SAP System
up new status profiles if required in Customizing for Waste Management under Check, Extend, Set
Status Profiles. You also assign the business transactions to the user statuses here.
You assign the business transactions to the functions under Specify Functions.
You assign the status profiles to the entry document categories under Specify Document Categories.
16.7.3 EHS-WA-DOC Disposal Documents Creating and Printing Disposal Documents (Enhanced)
As of SAP R/3 Enterprise PLM Extension 2.00 (EA_APPL 200) the following changed and new
functions are available to simplify the creation and printing of disposal documents:
o The new function module EHSWA_280_PARAMETER_GET determines the data necessary for
printing disposal documents. It determines the data from the symbols, that the report template of the
disposal document contains.
This function module can be used for all disposal document types and means that you no longer
require separate printing modules for the individual disposal document types. If you set up a new
disposal document type, you only have to create the report template with the necessary symbols and
no longer need a separate function module for each disposal document type for determining data.
The field in which you can specify this print module for the disposal document types was deleted in
Customizing. The sample templates supplied with the system were adjusted to the new function
The fields in which you could specify whether the authority-assigned number and the outgoing
quantity are output on the disposal documents of a disposal document type have also been deleted
from Customizing. If the report template contains a symbol for this data, the new printing module
determines this data automatically.
o You can use the new function modules EHSWA_209_CHECK and EHSWA_209_CHECK_BGS to
perform checks after the data has been entered for a disposal document of the disposal document
type (at PAI). These function modules replace the function module EHSWA_209_PAI.
o Using the new function module EHSWA_143WM_DISPDOC_CREATE you can create and print
disposal documents with and without a waste approval from disposal processing. The function
module determines from the Customizing settings whether a waste approval is required for the
disposal document type. The function module also takes other Customizing settings for the disposal
document type into account and performs the relevant checks before the disposal document is
created. For example, it checks that the disposal document does not contain more wastes or waste
codes than is permitted for the disposal document type. For more information, see the SAP Library
for the Waste Management component under Creation of a Disposal Document.
o Since the length of the authority-assigned number of a disposal document is frequently stipulated by
law, you can now specify the maximum possible length of this number for each disposal document
type in Customizing.
Furthermore, the new function module EHSWA_209_COMPL_WITH_RECAL is also available. This
function module sets the status Data Is Complete for selected disposal documents, and recalculates the
waste quantities from the disposal documents and enters them on the entry documents from which the
______________________________________________________________ SAP System
disposal documents were created.
Effects on Existing Data
To determine the data for printing disposal documents, the system uses the new function module
EHSWA_280_PARAMETER_GET. The system no longer supports other function modules.
To print disposal documents from disposal processing, the system uses the new function module
EHSWA_143WM_DISPDOC_CREATE. The function modules from the function group EHSWA_143
are no longer supported.
Effects on Customizing
If you want to use the new sample templates, you have to import them into your system. For more
information, see the Implementation Guide (IMG) for Waste Management under Configure Basic Data
and Tools for Waste Management.
The Create Document function is supplied with the standard system and you can use it to create
disposal documents from disposal processing. This function uses the new function module
EHSWA_143WM_DISPDOC_CREATE. If you want to use this function module in your own functions,
you have to set this up in the IMG activity Specify Functions, assign the function module to it, and assign
your own functions to the entry document categories in the IMG activity Specify Document Categories.
You define the maximum possible length of the authority-assigned number for disposal documents for
each disposal document type in the IMG activity Specify Disposal Document Types.
If you want to use the new function module EHSWA_209_COMPL_WITH_RECAL, you have to specify
it for a function for disposal documents under Specify Functions. To do this, you can, for example, use
the Data Complete function supplied with the standard system and assign the new function module
EHSWA_209_COMPL_WITH_RECAL to it, instead of the function module EHSWA_209_COMPL,
which is assigned to the function in the standard system.
16.8 EHS-HEA Occupational Health
16.8.1 Costs (Deleted)
As of SAP R/3 Enterprise PLM Extension 2.00 (EA_APPL 200), the functions for entering the costs
and duration of healthcare services are no longer included in the application. They have been removed
from all screens in which they were used, which include:
o Basic data for health surveillance protocols and examinations
o Medical service
It is planned that a process for billing of occupational health services will be offered in a later release.
Effects on Existing Data
No data will be deleted in the database. Your data will therefore remain untouched.
______________________________________________________________ SAP System
16.8.2 Authorization Concept (Changed)
As of SAP R/3 Enterprise PLM Extension 2.00 (EA_APPL 200), a modified authorization concept
applies. You must therefore generate new authorization profiles for your occupational health roles.
The table shows which authorization objects are now invalid and which authorization objects you should
now use:
Invalid Now Use
Effects on Customizing
Generate your new profiles in Customizing for Occupational Health under Specify Authorizations.
16.8.3 Basic Data (Changed)
As of SAP R/3 Enterprise PLM Extension 2.00 (EA_APPL 200), the tables for the Occupational
Health basic data have changed. The following changes were made:
o Text tables and other dependent tables for Occupational Health objects now contain a start date
and end date, as well as other administration data.
o Repeat intervals for health surveillance protocols can now take any time units, for example, day,
month, or year.
o Person IDs are filled with leading zeros if their values are purely numerical and are displayed
Effects on Existing Data
If you upgrade to this release, you must convert your existing data before you call the functions in
Occupational Health for the first time. You do this by running the following report programs:
______________________________________________________________ SAP System
In addition, you can also condense multiple internal numbers created by the system for a person ID to one
single internal personnel number using the report program REHSH_C_PERSON_ID_CONDENSE. All
dependent table entries are then also updated accordingly.
See also:
SAP Notes 636841 and 636848
16.8.4 Logging Access to Personal Data (New)
As of SAP R/3 Enterprise PLM Extension 2.00 (EA_APPL 200), you can log accesses and attempted
accesses to sensitive personal data. This applies, for example, for the incident/accident log, the
injury/illness log, or the medical service.
You require this logging function in Spain to fulfill the legal requirements laid down in the Spanish data
protection law Ley organico de protección de datos (LOPD). This law implements the European data
protection directive of 1995 in Spain as national law ("Directive 95/46/EC of the European Parliament
and of the Council of 24 October 1995 on the protection of individuals with regard to the processing of
personal data and on the free movement of such data").
The report program REHS_REG_DAT_TRACK_ANALYSE is available to display and manage the log
Effects on Customizing
To activate access logging, you must edit the environment parameter EHS_REG_DAT_TRACK in the
IMG activity Specify Environment Parameters in Customizing for Basic Data and Tools. Read the
documentation for the environment parameter in the section entitled "Environment Parameters for
Industrial Hygiene and Safety."
16.8.5 Integration of Exposure Profile Rating with Infotype 1403 (New)
As of SAP R/3 Enterprise PLM Extension 2.00 (EA_APPL 200), the report program
With this report program you can transfer ratings from the exposure profile of a work area to the infotype
1403 (Exposure: LTA) of an object from the Organizational Management (PA-OS) component, which
is used in the Occupational Health (EHS-HEA) component. This means, for example, that you can
transfer the ratings for a work area to an exposure group and therefore only need to enter the data once.
You will find the program in the SAP menu under Human Resources or Logistics and then
______________________________________________________________ SAP System
Environment, Health and Safety -> Occupational Health -> Reporting -> Exposure Groups ->
Transfer Exposure Profile Ratings to LTA Value of Infotype 1403.
See also
For more information, see the documentation for the report program EHS_IHORG_EG_ADJUSTMENT.
16.8.6 EHS-HEA-SRV Medical Service Brief Consultations (New)
As of SAP R/3 Enterprise PLM Extension 2.00 (EA_APPL 200), you can enter occupational health
data collected during a brief visit or consultation quickly and easily in a separate screen.
Effects on Customizing
If you want to use the new function, you must process the IMG activity Specify Protocol Categories in
Customizing for Occupational Health. Combining of Health Center Service and Medical Service (New)
As of SAP R/3 Enterprise PLM Extension 2.00 (EA_APPL 200), you can edit unplanned and
planned healthcare services using one common function. To do this, the transaction EHSAMBTAET has
been modified and renamed from Health Center Services to Medical Services.
From the Occupational Health menu you can now access the editing screen using the following paths:
o Medical Services -> Edit Medical Services
o Medical Services -> Overview Medical Services
Effects on Existing Data
This change has no effect on your existing data. Vaccinations (New)
As of SAP R/3 Enterprise PLM Extension 2.00 (EA_APPL 200), you can also enter and document
vaccinations with medical services.
______________________________________________________________ SAP System
Effects on Customizing
If you want to use the function, you must process the following IMG activities in Customizing for
Occupational Health:
o Specify Examination Types
o Specify Protocol Categories
16.9 EHS-IHS Industrial Hygiene and Safety
16.9.1 DataSources for Data Extraction to BW (New)
As of SAP R/3 Enterprise PLM Extension 2.00 (EA_APPL 200), new DataSources are available for
data extraction to the SAP Business Information Warehouse (SAP BW). Using these you can extract
data from the Incident/Accident Management (EHS-IHS-IA) and Specification Management
(EHS-BDE-SPE) components.
Together with the Business Content that is delivered for target groups in the areas of industrial hygiene
and safety, product safety, and hazardous substance management, you can create the following reports in
BW, for example:
o Inventory list for fire department
o Hazardous substance inventory
o Evaluations of the incident/accident log, for example, on the number of persons injured per year or
the number of reportable events per year
This Business Content will be available to you from SAP BI Content 3.3 Add-On.
Effects on Customizing
To extract data from specification management, you must process the IMG activity Configure Data
Extraction in Customizing for Basic Data and Tools.
See also
o Release Notes for SAP BI Content 3.3 Add-On
o SAP Library under SAP NetWeaver -> SAP Business Information Warehouse -> BI Content
-> Product Lifecycle Management -> Environment, Health and Safety
Under this path in the SAP Library you will also find information about the existing Business Content for
Dangerous Goods Management. See also SAP Note 428581.
______________________________________________________________ SAP System
You will find the program in the SAP menu under Human Resources or Logistics and then
Environment, Health and Safety -> Occupational Health -> Reporting -> Exposure Groups ->
Transfer Exposure Profile Ratings to LTA Value of Infotype 1403.
See also
For more information, see the documentation for the report program EHS_IHORG_EG_ADJUSTMENT.
16.9.5 Structure Changes in the IMG for Industrial Hygiene and Safety
As of SAP R/3 Enterprise PLM Extension 2.00 (EA_APPL 200), the structure of the Implementation
Guide (IMG) for Industrial Hygiene and Safety has changed. To transfer these changes to the project
IMG, you must generate a new project IMG.
Deleted IMG Activities
Information System -> Edit Information Tree
The contents of the information tree are now integrated in the area menu for Industrial Hygiene and
Safety and can be found under Reporting and no longer under Industrial Hygiene and Safety
Information System.
You can make changes to the evaluation reports using the function for editing the area menu (transaction
SE43N). For more information, see the SAP Library under Area Menu Maintenance.
Moved IMG Activities
Basic Settings -> Specify Environment Parameters
Basic Settings -> Manage User Exits
You now edit these IMG activities in Customizing for Basic Data and Tools (see Structure Changes to
the IMG for EH&S).
16.9.6 EHS-IHS-WA Work Area Management Integration of Exposure Profile Rating with Infotype 1403 (New)
As of SAP R/3 Enterprise PLM Extension 2.00 (EA_APPL 200), the report program
With this report program you can transfer ratings from the exposure profile of a work area to the infotype
1403 (Exposure: LTA) of an object from the Organizational Management (PA-OS) component, which
is used in the Occupational Health (EHS-HEA) component. This means, for example, that you can
transfer the ratings for a work area to an exposure group and therefore only need to enter the data once.
You will find the program in the SAP menu under Human Resources or Logistics and then
______________________________________________________________ SAP System
Environment, Health and Safety -> Occupational Health -> Reporting -> Exposure Groups ->
Transfer Exposure Profile Ratings to LTA Value of Infotype 1403.
See also
For more information, see the documentation for the report program EHS_IHORG_EG_ADJUSTMENT. Integration Objects Contact and Building (New)
As of SAP R/3 Enterprise PLM Extension 2.00 (EA_APPL 200), you can assign the following new
integration objects to work areas in the data integration function:
o Contact (applicant, employee, or external person)
o Building
You can print out integration objects on reports, for example.
The building is also integrated with the Measurement Management (EHS-IHS-MEM) component:
When you create a measurement project for a work area to which buildings are assigned, the building
marked as the main building is displayed in the basic data for the measurement project.
Effects on Customizing
If you want to use the integration object Building, you must edit the IMG activity Specify Buildings in
Customizing for Industrial Hygiene and Safety. Overall Rating and Received Rating (New)
As of SAP R/3 Enterprise PLM Extension 2.00 (EA_APPL 200), you can determine an overall
rating for a work area. This rating makes a statement about the risk potential of the work area as a whole,
that is, of all agents present in the work area.
You can also determine a received rating. It reflects the risk potential that results from the work areas
that lie one level below the work area in question.
The functions are implemented as Business Add-Ins (BAdIs) and can therefore be enhanced to fulfill
your requirements without the need for modifications.
Effects on Customizing
If you want to develop enhancements, you must process the following IMG activities in Customizing for
Industrial Hygiene and Safety:
o BAdI: Calculation of Overall Rating
o BAdI: Calculation of Received Rating
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16.9.7 EHS-IHS-RSK Risk Assessment Assessment of Tasks (New)
As of SAP R/3 Enterprise PLM Extension 2.00 (EA_APPL 200), in addition to assessing agents, you
can now also run a risk assessment for tasks that originate in the Organizational Management (PA-OS)
Effects on Customizing
Customizing for the agent types has been extended to include the new agent type TASK.
If you want to use the new agent type, you must run a matchup for the following IMG activities:
o Specify Agent Types
o Assign Functions to Agent Types
16.9.8 EHS-IHS-IA Incident/Accident Management OSHA Recording (New)
As of SAP R/3 Enterprise PLM Extension 2.00 (EA_APPL 200), you can record work-related
injuries and illnesses in accordance with the U.S. Occupational Safety and Health Act (OSHA) and create
the required reports.
Effects on System Administration
Process the activities that are described in the Implementation Guide (IMG) for Industrial Hygiene and
Safety under Configure OSHA Recording.
See also
For more information on OSHA Recording, see the SAP Library for the Incident/Accident
Management (EHS-IHS-IA) component under OSHA Recording (U.S.). Indicator for Reportable Events (New)
As of SAP R/3 Enterprise PLM Extension 2.00 (EA_APPL 200), you can set an indicator to identify
reportable events in the header data of the incident/accident log entry. This means you can now also flag
events as reportable where no persons were injured. Previously it was only possible to flag events where
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persons were injured (accidents).
You can also develop an enhancement to determine the indicator. For example, the system can assign the
indicator if certain criteria are fulfilled.
Effects on Customizing
If you want to develop an enhancement, you must process the Business Add-In (BAdI) Determination of
Reportable Event Indicator in Inc./Acc. Log Header in Customizing for Industrial Hygiene and Safety. Cause Hierarchy (New)
As of SAP R/3 Enterprise PLM Extension 2.00 (EA_APPL 200), you can assign causes to an event,
which you select from one or more cause hierarchies. You access the function by opening the
Investigation tab page in the respective incident/accident log entry.
A cause hierarchy contains different cause types (such as technical problems, human factors, and so on)
on which other cause types, causes, or other influencing factors are dependent in a hierarchical structure
with increasing degrees of detail. This structure allows you to perform a cause analysis that is systematic
and detailed, and elucidates the various influencing factors.
The cause hierarchy is integrated with the industrial hygiene and safety measure object. This means you
can navigate directly from the cause hierarchy to the safety measures screen and assign a safety measure
or corrective measure to a cause.
Effects on Customizing
You must build the cause hierarchies you want to use in your company in Customizing for Industrial
Hygiene and Safety in the IMG activity Build Cause Hierarchy.
16.9.9 EHS-IHS-REP Reporting Structure Changes in the IMG for Industrial Hygiene and Safety
As of SAP R/3 Enterprise PLM Extension 2.00 (EA_APPL 200), the structure of the Implementation
Guide (IMG) for Industrial Hygiene and Safety has changed. To transfer these changes to the project
IMG, you must generate a new project IMG.
Deleted IMG Activities
Information System -> Edit Information Tree
The contents of the information tree are now integrated in the area menu for Industrial Hygiene and
Safety and can be found under Reporting and no longer under Industrial Hygiene and Safety
Information System.
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You can make changes to the evaluation reports using the function for editing the area menu (transaction
SE43N). For more information, see the SAP Library under Area Menu Maintenance.
Moved IMG Activities
Basic Settings -> Specify Environment Parameters
Basic Settings -> Manage User Exits
You now edit these IMG activities in Customizing for Basic Data and Tools (see Structure Changes to
the IMG for EH&S). Personal Exposure Log (New)
As of SAP R/3 Enterprise PLM Extension 2.00 (EA_APPL 200), the report program Personal
Exposure Log (REHS_PERSONAL_EXPOSURE_LOG) is available.
With this report program you can create an overview of the agents persons are exposed to in their work
areas. For this, the system evaluates the assignments that exist in the respective selection period in
Organizational Management (PA-OS).
You will find the program in the SAP menu under Logistics -> Environment, Health and Safety ->
Industrial Hygiene and Safety -> Reporting -> Risk Assessment -> Personal Exposure Log.
To be able to use the report program, you must process the IMG activity Specify Measurement Items in
Customizing for Industrial Hygiene and Safety.
See also
For more information, see the documentation for the report program
16.9.10 EHS-IHS-MEM Measurement Management Measurement Management (New)
As of SAP R/3 Enterprise PLM Extension 2.00 (EA_APPL 200), the new Measurement
Management (EHS-IHS-MEM) component is available.
Measurement Management supports you in planning, performing, and managing measurements that
you carry out in work areas. With Measurement Management you can also monitor the compliance
with legal regulations, for example, adherence to air limit values at the workplace.
Effects on Customizing
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To be able to use measurement management, you must make the following system settings:
Customizing for Industrial Hygiene and Safety
o Edit the IMG activities in the Measurement Management section.
o If you want to create measurement projects with reference to buildings, you will need the integration
object Building. For this, edit the IMG activity Specify Buildings.
Customizing for Basic Data and Tools
o Check and if necessary change the settings for the environment parameters that are relevant for
Measurement Management in the IMG activity Specify Environment Parameters.
o If necessary, create enhancements for the Measurement Management user exits in the IMG
activity Manage User Exits.
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